Mountain Trail in the Outskirts of Arima


We began our trek at Yuyama Inari, the starting point of the Totoya Road. Yuyama Inari is situated on the northern edge of Arima town.

Walking in the fresh morning air is truly refreshing. Totoya Road is well-maintained, making it easy to walk.

Amanita mushroom. It’s poisonous but has a pretty appearance.

The highly poisonous Kaientake mushroom.

Red pine forest. Red pines are a species of tree that was planted during the Meiji era. This area is still being maintained regularly.

In places where there is little human intervention, broadleaf trees thrive.

Viewing deck.

Taiko Waterfall.

At the finish line, Zuihoji Park, the autumn leaves are beginning to change color.

This is a roughly two-and-a-half-hour course, perfect for a bit of exercise between baths.

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